Monday, September 24, 2018

Entry and Song of the Day #2

Hi everyone!

So yesterday I wasn't really home for most of the day so I didn't really post anything. We were at our church for most of the day because of the services and the decorating for the Vacation Bible School program.

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a program our church does every year for kids to learn and have fun. This year's theme is based of the ocean so we were putting up all sorts of decorations all over the building. We even have an inflatable pool raft that looks like a shark, dangling from the upstairs railing.

Today however not much is going on. I've been relaxing for the most part but I may bring out the painting and work on that.

The Song of the Day is by a band that I listen to fairly often called Wild Fire. The song is called 'Not an Option' and is one of my favorite songs from them, along with their song 'Villains'.


Thank you for reading. :)