Wednesday, September 19, 2018

About The Blog

Hello everyone!

My name is Kaylee, and this blog is to basically keep me busy during my gap year.

So, I recently graduated from High School this past year at 16 years old. I am currently taking a year off before college to get my drivers licence.

This blog is going to act as my 'journal' during this year. I will be talking about my days, and posting whatever comes to mind. I will also be posting anything that catches my interest such as music or other things.

I hope you'll follow along on my journey.


  1. I knew you could do it! Love, Mom :)

  2. Hi Kaylee,
    Nice blog, how often do you plan on posting? Challenge yourself to follow a blogging schedule, or even consider participating in "Blogtober" where you write a post each day in October. Likewise, you could participate in "Blogmas" and post every day in December, up until Christmas.
    You will have your driver's license in no time. What else are you going to write about?

    1. I'm going to try to keep writing once daily, but it depends on if I have anything to say. I'm probably just going to write about whatever comes to mind. Thank you for visiting my blog! :)

  3. What a fun idea to keep a gap year journal.
    How fun that you can turn your traditional art into digital art. I am in awe of people who an do that.
    Your mom recommended we pop over (from FFF) to say, "Hi," so here I am
    Have a great week.

    1. Hi! Thank you for checking out my blog! I hope you have a great week too.
